Waterfee Urinals - the technology

Why install waterless urinals?

The waterless urinal is one of those rare products that save money and time while conserving natural resources. The savings for individual facilities can be significant, and the accumulative savings around the world is huge, even though less than 1% of urinals are waterless. But as well as saving water and energy, Waterless urinals create more hygienic, odour-free washrooms.


ECONOMIC BENEFITS Using water to dispose of urine (which is 97% water) makes no economic sense, particularly as the supply of available fresh water decreases. Waterless urinals save in three important ways:

  • NO FLUSHING MECHANISM REDUCES THE PURCHASE PRICE: Because they have no flushing mechanism, waterfree urinals are cheaper to purchase and install. All you need is a drainage outlet, approximately 1 hour for the actual installation and 3 to 5 minutes to install the waterless cartridge.
  • REDUCED ENERGY COSTS: No water means you save 100 percent in water charges and reduced sewage charges – both of which are on the rise. Waterless urinals also eliminate the energy costs associated with pumping water to and from the fixture, as well as the energy necessary to treat approximately 150,000 litres of diluted urine per fixture per year.
  • REDUCED MAINTENANCE COSTS: Maintenance for a Rodin Waterless urinal amounts to periodic changing of the touch-free waterless urinal cartridge and the same standard clean-up associated with traditional urinals. No flush means no stuck or broken valves and since no hard water runs through the sewage lines, they remain free of calcification. This means reduced costs associated with pipe cleaning. Cleaning is also faster, as there is no need to scrub minerals left behind by water.

ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITS Roughly 5% of the world's fresh water is used to carry away urine. On average, each Rodin Waterless urinal saves 150,000 litres or more of fresh water per year.


HYGIENE BENEFITS Toilets are more hygienic with waterless urinals for two reasons:

  1. TOUCH-FREE: Unlike flush urinals, Rodin Waterless urinals are touch-free, which virtually eliminates the spread of bacteria.
  2. LOWER BACTERIA LEVELS: Without flushing water, there are no bacteria-spreading flush plumes with waterless urinals. This means that the area around waterless urinals and the entire washroom is cleaner and more hygienic.

USER BENEFITS Reduce Toilet Odours
Rodin Waterless urinals also reduce washroom odours by locking urine into the waterless patented urinal cartridge. The cartridge's airtight seal combined with the liquid sealant is estimated to be 500-times more effective than conventional P-traps.

How does the Falcon Velocity™ Cartridge work?

The Falcon Waterfree system consists of vitreous china or stainless steel fixtures with a patented cartridge that locks into the base of the urinal. The design of the urinal bowl and use of nonporous materials ensure that all urine passes into the cartridge. That's all there is: no flush valve assembly, no water supply hookup, and no waste. 

 The heart of the technology is the cartridge, which provides odour-free operation and easy maintenance. The pleasant-smelling sealant liquid inside the cartridge provides an airtight barrier between the drain and the restroom to prevent odours from escaping. Other types of waterfree urinals require frequent replenishment of costly sealant liquid and regular maintenance that can keep a urinal out of commission for up to 20 minutes. In comparison, the Falcon Waterfree sealant liquid lasts for the life of the cartridge, so there is no need to add sealant liquid between cartridge changes plus cartridge replacement takes only a few minutes. 

 The cartridge also acts as a trap for uric sediment, which could otherwise contribute to drain pipe clogs. This results in a hygienic and odour-free environment, clean pipes, and no water waste. The only maintenance is routine spray-and-wipe cleaning of the fixture and a simple change of the cartridge approximately two to three times per year.


1 This touch-free waterless patented urinal cartridge is made out of non-stick, non-porous material and designed to work like a funnel. Urine passes through the waterless system where the Falcon Waterfree Technologies' sealant forms an airtight barrier between it and the washroom space helping to keep your washroom odour free

2 The sealant is less dense than water allowing urine to pass through and flow into the drain. As liquid passes through, the cartridge works to filter and collect uric sediment that could otherwise end up in the drain line translating into an odour-free washroom, clean pipes, and zero water waste.

3 Internal components create speed and direction for exit flow helping to keep the housing and pipes cleaner. The waterless patented urinal cartridge also features an O ring, which provides an airtight barrier between the cartridge and the urinal itself. The only maintenance required is routine cleaning of the fixture and a simple change of the cartridge, two to three times per year (depending on the use).

Waterfree cartridges and Urinals

by the Rodin Group Ltd - the water experts


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